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Reliable solutions and a loyal partner in a wide range of industries

Our additives and stabilisers play a key role in food and beverage production, the processing and service industries and energy suppliers.

Our innovative products, developed on an organic basis, contribute significantly to energy and cost savings and ensure the highest hygiene and environmental standards. They enable efficient and trouble-free control of heating and cooling, prevent the formation of hardness precipitates and carry-over residues and remain stable even under extreme conditions.

With KORN products, you can be sure of reliable support for smooth production and sustainable operation. Trust in our many years of experience and our commitment to quality and efficiency – for an optimal and environmentally friendly solution to your industrial challenges.

Find out more here:

Food industry
Beverage industry
Processing industry
Service industry
Energy suppliers
References from

Food industry

Our daily bread

  • Two inventions have had a major and lasting impact on industrial food production:
  • The steam engine
  • The compression chiller.

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